Scrolling Poster Frame Version 2

Scrolling Poster Frame Version 2

Scrolling Poster Frame Version 2

Made my Scrolling Poster Frame work, and look better.

 A scale drawing. 1/4":1"

A scale drawing. 1/4":1"

download (1).jpg
 Secured pins to the dowels to hold onto the posters.

Secured pins to the dowels to hold onto the posters.

 Fixed a piece of Plexiglas to finish it off.

Fixed a piece of Plexiglas to finish it off.

Scrolling Poster Frame

Works a little slow, but it works nicely. I already have ideas of how I can improve it.

 Completely forget to take progress photos for 3.0, but here it is (with my cat’s approval).

Completely forget to take progress photos for 3.0, but here it is (with my cat’s approval).