Brides Miscellaneous Props

Miscellaneous Props

Miscellaneous Props

 Golden handcuffs; pretty simple and easy.

Golden handcuffs; pretty simple and easy.

 Shackle style collars; made from miscellaneous hardware parts. Was told they liked the angular shape before I was going to reshape them.

Shackle style collars; made from miscellaneous hardware parts. Was told they liked the angular shape before I was going to reshape them.

 Planchette Glasses.

Planchette Glasses.

 Mini Satanic Bible, with a bit of wear and tear.

Mini Satanic Bible, with a bit of wear and tear.

 Repainted gold, and dulled to make it actor safe.

Repainted gold, and dulled to make it actor safe.

 Golden Crook and Flail

Golden Crook and Flail